Dear Big Seed Families,

It is beginning to feel like Winter! Brrrrr! We have had great fun in the Big Seeds exploring Winter with coloring, art projects, and getting used to snow clothes. They don’t all love their snowsuits, but we hope over time they will learn to love them! The transition to one nap has been superb! Every child is officially on the one nap schedule. Thank you for all your consistency and help with that transition. 

During December we plan to talk all about snow! Hopefully we get to experience a little snow this month as well. We will also be working on manners this month (using words and signs) such as: please, thank you, all done, and using gentle hands with friends. 

Happy Birthday to Savannah this month! Our last Big Seed to turn one! Now they will all officially be in the one-year-old club! Hooray!

Monthly Shout Outs!

Norah has picked up on all the rules and routines of the Big Seed classroom. She always knows what is coming next and can follow simple directions from her teachers. She is using more words when communicating and knows her signs, such as “All done”, “Wow”, and “Bye Bye”.

Brody has taken a special interest in being our biggest climber! He really has no fear. It is equally impressive and a little bit nerve wracking. We love his affectionate heart. He is always next to us wanting to play, read books, or hugging us- that is the best part! Watching him build great relationships with the other kids is so sweet as well. 

Alice has become quite the conversationalist. She will babble and make conversation with anyone and 

everyone. She loves having back and forth conversations with teachers and the other students. All of her new facial expressions have given us quite the chuckle this month. 

Bode’s personality is really beginning to shine. He has such a silly and sweet personality. He is always smiling and laughing. Bode has taken an interest in our stuffed animals and puppets this month. He will hand us the monkey or frog puppet and laugh when we put it on our hands. You can always find him hugging the stuffed animals as well. It’s a sweet sight!

Savannah is all go when it is time to use her large motor skills. She has been trying so hard to stand on her own! She loves to practice getting on and off of the couch in our classroom. Savannah is one of the few that loves outside time and sitting on the rocking toys outside.

Owen is one of the happiest and peaceful kids we

 know. He has grown a lot in his mobility! We think he’lll be walking any day now. He still loves to push our little cart around the classroom, and he has gotten much more confident with it! He can maneuver it when he gets stuck now. Owen has been especially cuddly this month. He is always trying to lean his head on us or sit in our laps. It’s nice to see this side of him!

Mary continues to show us her sweet heart. She has become so much more confident and comfortable with us. She loves to talk to us and her classmates. Her voice is so sweet sounding! She has been cruising around the classroom. She walks everywhere now! Mary is one of the few children that actually enjoys being in her snowsuit. We think she just loves being warm and cozy! 

Reminders and Notes:

  • Thank you all for such wonderful conferences. We had such a great time meeting with you. One of the best parts about this job is being able to connect with you all for longer than a few minutes! We are so lucky to have all of your children in our class. It’s a great group! 
  • Please continue to bring in coats, shoes, socks, and extra clothes for those messy lunch days. 
  • We will be closed for Christmas and that following Tuesday (the 26th).
  • Thank you to all of you who bought poinsettias and raffle tickets! We appreciate it. 
  • Please join us for our holiday sing-along along December 11th from 5:45 to 7:30. We’d LOVE to see you all there! 

Happy Holidays

Rebecca, Sarah, Maryanne & Maria

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