Branch Room
Branch Room
Our Philosophy:
As you enter the Branch Room you will observe a very busy classroom with age appropriate activities going on in every learning center of the room! We truly believe that children learn through play, and if offered the appropriate materials they will initiate, express, and explore many new experiences, thus building self confidence.
Nurturing Care:
Branchers are three to four years of age and in the stage of development known as “initiative vs. guilt.” As teachers, we focus on “Do’s” instead of “Don’ts.” Children need to feel accomplishments. When they take the initiative, they feel capable and worthwhile. The “Do’s” enable a child to try new experiences. The “Don’ts” destroy self confidence.
Growth and Development:
Our Branch room provides an environment that nourishes each child’s development. Our teaching staff provides a structured, but flexible schedule that mixes learning with play. The Center-based approach allows for many age appropriate activities to be available to children at one time. Each activity has a different developmental focus which encourages children to grow, learn, “branch” out, and enjoy learning.
Discipline is a normal part of growing up. At Growing Tree we define “discipline” as teaching. It is our policy to never shame or embarrass a child for his/her actions. Instead we emphasize the positives: what they can do, using redirection instead of timeouts, logical consequences, and encouraging children to be responsible for their own actions.
3 years by September 1st
Child/Teacher Ratio 10:1

A Balanced Day:
- Free play while friends arrive
- Breakfast
- Outside play
- Circle and music & movement
- Learning centers
- Outside play
- Lunch
- Story time
- Naptime
- Afternoon:
Outside play
- Snack
- Circle and music & movement
- Outside play
- Quiet activities until parents arrive