Children Bloom when Nurtured with Care.
Growing Tree Children’s Center exceeds essential evaluation standards that support quality early learning for all children in the areas of:
- Learning and Development
- Health and Safety
- Personnel Qualifications
- Family Partnerships
- Administration
- Business Practices.

Children Learn Through Play
Researchers have found that young children in high quality early childhood care and education settings have better development of language skills, cognitive functioning, social skills, and emotional well being.

Play, Learn, Grow
Brain research shows that high quality early child care experiences expand your child’s capacity to learn. Responsive and sensitive caregiving actually helps a child’s brain grow and develop.

It’s Fun to be Young
Healthy child development depends on warm, nurturing caregiver-child relationships, a supportive environment, and appropriate activities which are found in high quality care and education settings.

A Foundation for the Future
Children in high quality care have higher levels of success when they enter school. continue to do well in school, and have higher earning potentials as adults.

Imagination is More Important than Knowledge
Current research shows that a child’s self regulation skills are a significant indicator of later school success and overall healthy development. High quality early childhood programs foster self regulation.

What We Learn Becomes a Part of Who We Are
Studies have shown that investing in high quality early childhood care and education pays multiple dollars for each dollar invested. Communities who invest in high quality care save money on remedial education, incarceration, and drug and alcohol treatment.
The Growing Tree Children’s Center
A Bend Oregon preschool where it is fun to be young.
Growing Tree Children’s Center preschool was established in 1979 as a not-for-profit early childhood education center serving children ages 6 weeks through Pre-Kindergarten. We are dedicated to providing affordable, high quality developmental programs for all children. We welcome all families without regard to race, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation.
About Growing Tree
Growing Tree is committed to quality care and learning for all children, and know the first years of life build the foundation for lifelong learning and success.
Our program has a written philosophy that defines its values, beliefs, and goals as well as sustainable business practices that support quality care. The program uses a curriculum to guide activities. The children are with a consistent care provider for the majority of the day who use a set of guidelines for positive adult-child interactions. The program encourages basic hygiene, healthy eating and fitness, including limiting screen time. The staff has specific training and education requirements and their professional development is supported. Families are engaged and indicate a high level of satisfaction with our program.
Donate to our School
Hours of operation
7:30am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.
We are closed on the following Holidays:
- New Year’s Day,
- President’s Day,
- April Conferences (date to be determined)*
- Memorial Day
- Fourth of July
- Thursday and Friday before Labor Day*
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving (Thurs. & Fri.)
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
Note: The center is closed on the Thursday/Friday before Labor Day, Presidents Day, April Conferences and Veteran’s day for staff in-service training and conferences.
Note: * denotes non-holiday closures
Our Philosophy
Children Learn Through Play
We believe each child has a unique and individual potential and deserves the opportunity to develop this potential. The Growing Tree Children’s Center helps children of all abilities experience childhood as it is meant to be; in a loving, safe and nurturing environment, with joy and discovery intact.
Certified by the Office of Childcare
The Center is certified by the Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC). A yearly review is conducted, including an on-site visit. Growing Tree Children’s Center is in full compliance with the laws of the State of Oregon and applicable administrative rules.
The Growing Tree Children’s Center was specifically designed and built in 1987 as a childcare facility. Each classroom provides a wide range of activities and is furnished with age appropriate equipment and furnishings. Special features include observation windows in each classroom to watch your child in action, well-fenced playgrounds, a van equipped with car seats for field trips, onsite laundry, separate staff lounge and a reception area for daily greetings and communication.

Our Mission
- We believe young children need understanding and consistent relationships with adults to foster positive self-images.
- Programs must be flexible and responsive to children’s needs.
- We provide a clean, reliable, safe, and healthy environment for children, full of opportunity for social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth.
- We believe children benefit from challenges, guidance, and the opportunity to develop at their own pace.
- Our programs strengthen family and community needs.
Get on our Waitlist
Use the form on this page to add your child to our waitlist and when there is an opening in a class which corresponds to their age, we will contact you by email and phone.

What our parents say about us
“As a student, I was allowed to observe over a two week span at Growing Tree. I was impressed by the cleanliness, organization, and mostly by the staff who express honest care and love for the children. This is more than a daycare and is an actual early childhood education center.”

MishaLee Strunk
Bend, Oregon
“Words cannot express how grateful I am to have the opportunity for my children to be a part of Growing Tree. The center is clean and inviting. The staff takes pride in their rooms and the building. Making each room a happy place for the kids. The teachers love my children like they are their own and have provided an enriching environment where my kids can play, learn, and grow. The director is fantastic. She is knowledgeable, helpful, and she loves each and every child at the center. Growing Tree is an amazing center for children and their families. Thank you for all that you do for my children. They love school because of you!”

Laci Fisher
Bend, Oregon
“While I cannot attest to the care at other centers I know many parents who are always seeming to be shopping for new child care – you never hear of anyone leaving Growing Tree! At Growing Tree every kid and parent is happy with their care, teacher, and friends. It’s an amazing and caring group of providers that provides a wonderful experience that is an exceptional value.”

Bend, Oregon
Contact Us
Find Out More
We’re excited to meet you and you child. Call us today to visit the school and talk with us about how we can help.