Dear Sprout Families,

Sunshine days and new bikes to ride. Thank you Ms. Tammy, we are all having a great time riding the new bikes. We are all doing a great job making them go fast. 

In March everyone had fun exploring all the Bags. Thank you to Kruz’s parents for donating all the different bags. They all had a great time filling them up.

At circle time, we had fun looking at pictures of different bags people use every day. We also put a particular toy in a bag and tried to guess what it was. They all had some great guesses. Only a few got it right, but they all had fun. The books we read were about different bags people use. Here is a list of all the books we read: 

Millie Waits for the Mail by Alexander Steffensmier

Maisy Goes Shopping by Lucy Cousins

  • Grandma’s Purse by Vanessa Brantley-Newton
  • Millie Waits for the Mail by Alexander Steffensmier
  • Maisy Goes Shopping by Lucy Cousins
  • Grandma’s Purse by Vanessa Brantley-Newton

We also sang the song Old McDonald Had a Farm and made all the sounds of the animals in the Millie book. They also sang a song about what we can put in a bag.

We had various building toys in our classroom and bags in our dress-up area that the children could fill up and pretend to go shopping. We also had a sensory bin with little bags that the kids filled up with plastic eggs and Easter confetti, which made the month quite exciting. Each Sprout had their favorite things to play with and explore, and here are a few examples: it was an exciting month studying all the bags. Here are a few fun-filled things each Sprout enjoyed:

  • Beckett would fill the bags with little trucks and say “It heavy. I strong.” 
  • Kruz enjoys doing art. He will sit down, smile, and say, “Do it. Do it.”
  • Levi liked to take the little bags, fill them with plastic bugs, and say, “It’s all full.” 
  • Julia would push the truck to a bag in the dress-up area and then put it in the bag. When she was done, she smiled and clapped.
  • Archer liked listening to the stories at circle time. When the book Millie Waits for the Mail Carrier was read, he would say, “Oh no, cow.” 
  • Penny liked coloring all the different bags at art time. As she was coloring, she would say, “Pretty.”
  • Riley liked filling the bags with food. She would tell us, “I’m shopping. I’ve got food.” 
  • Rowan liked sitting at the table and filling the bag with fruits and vegetables. He would fill it up and say, “It’s full.”

It was a fun month filling up the bags with different things. We can’t wait to see what exciting adventures we will have in April.

In April, we will be exploring Containers and Bugs. We are sure you have noticed how your Sprout loves to fill and dump out containers, and as the warm spring weather is here, they love to look at bugs crawling on the ground.

During our study of containers, the Sprouts will develop language and literacy skills as they name and describe containers by color, shape, size, and function. They will practice math skills as they count containers and explore how much they can hold, and they will experience a growing sense of independence as they do new things for themselves. 

At circle time, we will read a few books about containers that hold clothes and things that are important to us. We will also read a few books about bugs and their adventures. The songs we will sing will be about what we do with containers and some buggy songs. 

During art time, we will do all kinds of crafts with containers. Some crafts we will do are coloring, painting, and filling containers. Also, we will make some bugs to put in our containers. In the classroom, we will have containers they can fill and dump. Outside time, we will search for live bugs. We may take a container and see if we can catch them so we can look at them closer. 

It’s going to be a great month exploring all the containers and bugs. We all can’t wait to begin. 

Here are a few reminders for the month:

  • Please check your Sprouts basket for weather-appropriate extra clothes. Some of them don’t have any extra clothes. 
  • Don’t forget the conferences on April 12th. I can’t wait to sit down and talk with no interruptions.

Thank you for all you do. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out. Have a wonderful April. 

                  Teresa, Jennifer and Nana Julie

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