Dear Sprout Families,

Happy 2024! Thank you for coming to the Sing-Along. All the Sprouts did a great job singing and doing the hand movements. 

In December, we explored Paper and the Presents we wrapped with paper. Everyone had fun feeling the different types of paper. They all had fun tearing the paper. They kept looking at us like is this okay?

At circle time, we read books about presents wrapped with pretty paper. A truck that delivered trees and a book about a paper star. Here are the books we read: Stars by Mary Lyn Ray, Little Blue Truck’s Christmas by Alice Schertle, and Magic Gifts by Betty Ann Schwartz. The songs we sang were Rock, Paper, Scissors, and A Little Snowman. They all enjoyed singing songs that had hand and arm motions. 

During art time, we did lots of projects with paper. We colored, painted, glued, and tore up the thick and thin paper. We also decorated paper bowls and plates. In our sensory bin, glittery paper and confetti looked like snow and snowflakes. We had paper bowls and plates to explore in the classroomin our dress-up area. They liked to cook their special food on them. 

We had fun putting on our snowsuits during outside timeand sliding down the slippery slide. Some of us went fast, and some just slowly went down. Here are a few fun-filled things each Sprout enjoyed this month:

  • Beckett could tear up the paper. He would pick up a piece, tear it, and say, “I’m strong.” 
  • Jackson enjoyed the books at circle time. He would point to the paper star and say, “Look, a big star. Need one.” 
  • Julia had fun feeling all the different types of paper. She would rub her hand over them and put a big smile on her face.
  • Levi had a great time coloring and painting on the papers. When coloring, he would say, “I made circles.” 
  • Riley had fun playing with the paper in the sensory table. She would hold it up and say, “It’s so pretty.” 
  • Archer was a glue champ this month. He would put the glue all over the paper, not on himself, and make an excellent collage. When he was done, he would smile on his face. 
  • Rowan also had fun at the sensory table. He would look at the papers and say, “So many.” 
  • Penny had fun singing the songs at circle time. She would do the hand motions and say, “Did. Yeah.” 

It was a very festive month, and we all enjoyed exploring the different papers. We can’t wait to see what exciting things we will learn and discover next month. 

In January, we will be discovering Shoes. We are sure that you have watched your Sprout playing with your shoes. They love to take them on and off and try to tie them. Your Sprout might show you how fast they can run or how they can kick, climb, and jump in their shoes.

Through their investigations, the Sprouts will build language and literacy skills by describing the color, shape, and size of their shoesand fasteners. Cognitive skills as they persist and problem-solve, putting on and taking off their shoes, and math skills as they match shoes and compare their sizes. Your Sprout will also gain confidence and independence as they practice putting on their socks and shoes. 

At circle time, we will read books about different shoes and their adventures as they are being worn. We will be singing about shoes and how we put them on. We also will be doing shoe matches with our shoes. In the classroom, we will have fun shoes they can try on and puzzles with shoes. At art time, we will be doing lots of shoe projects. We will be coloring, painting, gluing on shoes, taking a shoe, making prints on paper, and lots of other fun shoe activities. 

Outside, we will run and climb with our shoes and boots. We will also look at the different shoes each friend wears. It’s going to be a great month discovering the shoes we wear. 

We want to bid farewell to Jackson, who will move to the Bud room. I hope you have some great new adventures, and we will miss you. We also would like to welcome our new friend Kruz. We can’t wait to have some great times with you. 

Here is a few reminders for the month:

  • Please make sure your Sprout has weather-appropriate extra clothes. These include two sets of gloves, a hat, boots, and a snowsuit.
  • We go out several times daily, so the Sprouts must be dressed appropriately.

Thank you for everything you do. If you have any questions or concerns please let us know. Have a wonderful January.

Teresa, Julie and Megan

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