Seedling Families,

Our little ones sure are growing up fast. Last month, our twins, Jaxon and Grady, celebrated their first Birthdays on the 29th. Declan will celebrate his birthday on the 8th and Cadence on the 18th of this month. Next month, Violet’s Birthday will be on the 23rd. Then, we have a little stretch until Sydney’s birthday at the end of August. 

We have enjoyed watching this group grow together and are excited that we get to keep them through the summer. We look forward to finger painting, water play, sensory exploration, and working on enhancing motor skills in the fresh air. We love watching them play peek-a-boo with each other, chase, and play a little hide-and-seek.

Wynter has a walking buddy! She and Cadence have grown confident in their walking and balance and enjoy climbing up and standing on everything. They are keeping us on our toes.

Declan and Blake are standing independently, working out with the push toys, and practicing their walking. It won’t be long before we have four walkers!

Violet and Grady are trying their best to keep up. They are pulling up, cruising the toy shelves, reaching and shooting the gap between furniture, and learning to navigate with the push toys. 

Jaxon figured out how to move from his bottom into a 4×4 crawl and back to his bottom. He’s realized he is faster on all fours but still enjoys scooting around on his bottom sometimes. He is also trying hard to get on his feet.

Sydney has started eating solids and enjoys sitting in the high chair and joining the big kids for meals. She loves finger foods and purees and, so far, is willing to try anything. 

With all the motor development going on in our room, there has also been a lot of language development happening, including new sounds and simple words, and some of our friends are even learning to sign. Of course, everyone’s favorite thing to say is Ma ma ma. We can’t blame them; Moms are pretty great! We will be working on a particular project in appreciation of all the things Moms do. We are so excited to share them with you for Mother’s Day.

Books, Books, and more books! This group loves their books. They are so good at sitting together for circle times when we read and sing together, but they also enjoy just sitting and relaxing independently while flipping through pages of their favorite books. They especially love animal books so that we can practice animal sounds. Brown Bear Brown Bear is still a class favorite, with Big Red Barn as a close second. They will often bring us one to read and initiate a circle time on their own, as once we start reading a book, all their friends will join us. We know they love repetition, but if your child has a favorite book at home and you would like to share a copy with the class, we would love to find some new favorites.

We hope everyone has a great month!

Miss Jolene and Miss Devi

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