Happy April Bud Families!

April is upon us, and we are grateful for the few days of warm weather and warm spirits! We look forward to seeing the leaves on the trees and flowers bloom! 

Our “Paleontology” study in March was fabulous! The children really engaged with our dinosaur activities and had a fun and fascinating month of learning about the different types of dinosaurs and their fossils. This month, we researched what dinosaurs ate and how big they were. We also followed the children’s lead on what books and stories they wanted us to read and what they were interested in learning about. 

We started our research by learning about different dinosaurs and identifying them by their distinctive characteristics. We talked about fossils and made our own ones, which turned out fabulous! We became paleontologists and dug for dinosaurs, and this was by far the most popular activity that we kept going onall month long.  

We then spent some time with questions that the children had, such as… How enormous were dinosaurs? We compared the sizes of different dinosaurs and even used our feet to compare them to that of triceratops! We spent many moments on how dinosaurs roared and learned what they may have sounded like and what creatures are most like dinosaurs now!  The Bud class now knows the difference between being a carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore. We carried over last month’s study of the food we eat and talked about what we ate during our meal times and if they fit into the carnivore or the herbivore category. We also discovered that most of us are omnivores, as we like both meatballs and broccoli. We talked about what scientists thought the dinosaurs may have eaten!

We also had a surprise visitor, Ryan the Leprechaun! Oh boy, did he make a mess of our classroom? He turned over chairs, left toys out, and sprinkled glitter all over the classroom and onto the children while they napped. He also gave us green milk, a special over-the-rainbow snack, and hid gold coins for us to collect. We counted 85 gold coins in total! He also took one of our shoes while we napped and placed a special coin and a piece of chocolate for us to enjoy. We had a lot of fun and said our goodbyes… until next year, Ryan! 

We are excited about our April study of Art. We already have quite a few little artists in our classroom. Art is one of the greatest tools for learning and self-discovery, and we cannot wait to develop into this new topic! 

Thank you all for being so helpful as we track our Buds’ belongings. We work hard at keeping track of their things, sending home what needs to go home, and asking for replacements. Your Buds are also learning independence as they unpack their belongings and place them into their cubbies. Soon, we will work on them packing their end-of-the-week bags to go home.


April 12th -Conferences -No School

All of our love, 

Miss Stephanie, Miss Sidney, and Miss Maci 

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