Dear Sprout Families,

In the Sprout room, independence is a big part of our work. We have found that the Sprouts love to do things independently, and learning new things is so fun, so we love encouraging that! During the day, we practice a lot of hand washing, drinking from a cup without a lid, using spoons during mealtimes, having the children put away their blankets after a nap, picking up toys they have played with, and learning how to put on their jackets and shoes. You can see their look of pure happiness when they accomplish something. They are so proud of themselves, and we are so proud of them!

Monthly Highlights:

Avery loved finding the icicles around the playground, eating them like a popsicle, and then drawing in the snow afterward.                                                    

Elia enjoyed the book I Am Small, which is about a baby penguin and their family. She memorized where the penguin was on each page and would point out each hiding place!                                      

Finn was the best helper when shoveling snow from the playground. He showed off his shoveling skills to his friends using a shovel in each hand!                                                               

Henry thought the shaving cream sensory activity was so much fun! He used paint rollers to move the “snow” around on the tray, and he smoothed out the bump with his hands.

Otto discovered that he loved wearing different hats and not just during outside time. His favorite was the chef hat, which he would have loved to wear outside if it were warmer!

Sophie found out that she made tracks in the snow! She loved looking at all the patterns different feet made but mostly loved stomping on all of the snow!                            

Taylor has mastered putting on her snowsuit and her boots all by herself! She even learned how to make a snow angel in the deep snow! We are so proud of you, Taylor!

Wilder created some beautiful artwork using colored ice on popsicle sticks. He made a lot of circles with so many colors!

For February, we will be focusing on ourselves! “Me, Myself, and I” will be the title of our study this month. We will explore body parts such as eyes, ears, nose, mouth, arms, and legs. We will also work on feelings such as happy, sad, shy, angry, and proud and understand that having these feelings is ok. 


  • The Feel Good Book
  • I Love All of Me


  • Head Shoulders Knee and Toes
  • If Your Happy and You Know It

A fond farewell goes to Taylor this month. She will be moving up to the Bud Room. We will miss her silliness and her laughter. Good Luck, Taylor!                                     

Be safe outside and have a fantastic month

Ms. Kelcy and Ms. Tracy 



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