Dear Big Seed Families,

Happy New Year! We hope the holidays were fun and relaxing for everyone. We loved seeing you all at the Holiday Sing-A-Long! It was a great turnout. Your support at Growing Tree events is always appreciated. Another huge thank you to all of you who brought us gifts for Christmas. It was very thoughtful and unexpected. We felt the love this holiday season. 

Message from Rebecca:

As most of you know, mine and Bennetts last day will be January 5th. Our new baby is due on the 17th. It has been such a pleasure getting to know all of you and your children this school year. It’s been a wonderful, sweet, and spunky group. We wish you all the best, and you will be greatly missed by both of us! Maryanne will join the Big Seeds full time. If you haven’t already met her, she will be introducing herself in the next few weeks.

We appreciate you bringing in a crib sheet for your child to use at nap time. We will put them over the cots as an extra sanitary and comfort measure while they sleep. Sheets will be kept with their blankets and sent home every Friday to be washed along with their blankets. Since everyone in the class is over one year old, everyone is free to use blankets instead of sleep sacks. Please let us know if you’d like to switch to a blanket instead of a sleep sack and bring one in. 

Monthly Updates:

  • Bennett, Bode, Owen, and Mary have all started walking consistently this month! Yay!!! It’s almost like we blinked and suddenly had a classroom full of walking babies. 
  • Alice’s vocabulary has been impressive this month! She is blooming with her communication skills. Alice repeats words she hears while reading, uses sign language to communicate with us, and will say “Hi!” and “bye-bye” to her friends coming and going. Alice has also been great at following directions from her teachers. Keep up the excellent work, Alice! 
  • Bode has been interested in the baby dolls and stuffed animals this month. He will pick them up, inspect them, and then hand them to a teacher with a huge smile. He has gotten more confident in his mobility this month! If we don’t acknowledge it, he will walk all over the classroom alone! 😉
  • Brody has also been loving books lately. We can always find Brody at our sides, handing us a book to read to him. Often, it’s the same book over and over. We wouldn’t be surprised if he had all the books memorized soon!
  • Owen has been extra snuggly and sweet lately. He is always trying to sit in our laps or lean his head on us. We love all the extra love! Owen loves playing peek-a-boo in the houses outside. He will climb inside, lean his head out, and smile, waiting for us to notice. 
  • Norah has become a little, Ms. Independent! She’s been attempting to do things independently, such as putting her shoes and socks on when they fall off. 
  • Mary’s love of being outside has surprised us. She is one of the few who loves her snowsuit. She’s getting better at walking in it every day. Mary has also enjoyed books this month. She will sit and listen quietly while we read book after book. 
  • Savannah has started standing on her own this month. It’s only a matter of time before we see her walking! Savannah has been practicing self-soothing to sleep and staying on her cot quietly until her friends wake up. We have seen such an improvement in her skills over the past month.


  • Growing Tree is closed on January 1st for New Years. 
  • Happy New Year

Ms Rebecca, Ms sarah, and Ms Maryanne

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