Hi Big Seed families! 

It’s beginning to look a lot like FALL! The Big Seeds have been having a blast exploring Fall colors and spooky scary art projects, playing in the leaves, and painting pumpkins. They have all nicely adapted to a solid routine and classroom expectations as well. Thank you one more time for all your help in that transition. Also, a big shout out to everyone who joined us last month at DD Ranch for the pumpkin patch. It is always a treat to interact with you all outside of the classroom! 

HAPPY HAPPY birthday to all our little friends who turned one in October! Turning into a big one-year-old comes with more big transitions for our Big Seeds. If your child recently turned one, we will begin the transition off of the bottle during the month of November. We will offer cow’s milk from a sippy cup at meal times. You can help by offering a sippy cup for both water and milk at home. Now also begins the transition down to one nap. The end of November is our goal for every child to be on the one nap schedule. Feel free to bring in a blanket instead of a sleep sack!

What we’ve learned: 

Bode, Norah, and Mary have begun to stand all on their own. Some of them have even taken a couple steps. It’s only a matter of time before we have a bunch of walkers in our class! 

Alice: We can always rely on sweet Alice to be giving us hugs and snuggles. It always makes our days so much better. Alice has become a master at pulling herself up on the table and standing for longer and longer durations. 

Brody: Brody is always eager for an art project. As soon as he sees someone else painting, Brody is next to them, watching and waiting for his turn. We think Brody will enjoy all the sensory projects we have planned this year- he’s never afraid to get his hands a little dirty! 😉

Bode: Bode LOVED the leaves on our playground this month. We raked them into a pile, and Bode immediately crawled over and immersed himself. He would pick them up, throw them up high, and laugh. 

Bennett: Bennett’s love for balls continues to grow. Nothing makes him happier than picking up a ball, saying “GO!” and throwing it across the room. He has also recently developed a new love for books. He will point to the books throughout the day, asking to read them. He especially enjoys the ones that make sounds.

Mary: Mary has grown so much over the past month. She seems to be more comfortable and confident in our class every day. Mary loves to stand up with our new walker toys and push them across the room. You can always catch Mary babbling to herself or her friends. She has loved playing with Bode, and following him around the room wherever he goes. 

Norah: Norah’s love for being outside continues to grow, even as it gets cold. She loves to hang out in the cube and play house outside. She will open and shut the door and play peek-a-boo through the holes with her classmates. We think it’ll be any day now that she’s walking around the class like she’s been doing it her whole life. 

Owen: Owen has also been loving all our new walker toys this month. He will stand with them, look at us proudly, and walk across the room. He still loves climbing, too, of course. He climbs to the top of the pikler climber, climbs all over our mat obstacle course, and climbs up onto chairs to sit and relax.  He’s getting stronger and stronger every day!

Savannah: Savannah sure has ramped up her mobility! She has been crawling around the classroom, pulling herself up on things, and attempting to climb. Her laugh is always such a sweet sound every day. 


  • It is getting cold outside! If you haven’t already, please bring in weather appropriate clothing for your child. Coats, socks, shoes, hats, mittens, and snow gear are all greatly appreciated for our outside time- we go out no matter the weather! 
  • Conferences are Friday, November 11th. Growing Tree will be closed to children, but don’t forget to sign up for a meet and greet with your child’s primary teacher!
  • Growing Tree will be closed November 23rd and 24th for Thanksgiving.

This year, we are thankful for all of you! Safe travels to anyone going out of town.

Ms. Rebecca, Ms. Sarah, & Ms. Maryanne

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