Dear Seedling Families,

We hope you enjoyed your little one’s footprint BOO’s. A lot of tickly feet and giggles went into making them. Wait until you see what we have in the works for this month!

Brrr! It seems the cold weather is finally settling to stay and so are the runny noses, coughs, and goopy eyes. We try our best to keep the Seedling room as clean and sanitized as possible but germs are in the air. We invite you to give Growing Tree’s illness policy a quick review. With that in mind we know it is not reasonable for parents to keep their little ones home for every runny nose and cough. For minor coughs and colds you are welcome to bring in nasal saline, a nasal aspirator (bulb style not nose frida) and chest/foot rub that we can use to help keep them comfortable. We run a humidifier dailey in the nap room. 

We love how excited Blake and Wynter are when they see each other! They have become independent sitters and enjoy sitting in the pit together, sharing toys, smiles, and good conversation. 

Jordan is also getting more steady with his sitting and is sitting independently for longer periods. He also got his first tooth! He and Wynter have been sampling some purees but are not fans of the new tastes and textures yet. We will keep trying.

Declan is figuring out how to move around, rolling and pushing himself forward on his knees. He will spend long periods playing with the jungle toy, pushing the buttons, and moving the joystick to see and hear all the different things he can make happen. 

Grady is rolling, rolling and even pushing forward with his toes and heels to slowly inch out of his gym and find somewhere new to play. He is pushing up on his hands to look around and getting stronger and stronger. 

Jackson is content to hang out under his gym but is starting to reach for, grasp, bat, and chew on toys he can reach himself. 

Violet is ready to be on the move and has mastered rolling from her back to her stomach and spinning in circles on her belly to reach different toys or watch her friends play. 

Cadence is starting to hold herself up on her forearms while doing tummy time to get a better view of the room. She is also starting to sit with support and is rolling to her side to play.

We look forward to being able to meet with parents in person for conferences and talk to them about their little one. This is a really great opportunity to talk with parents about how things are going without the day to day distractions of the Seedling Room. This is such an amazing group of littles and we can’t wait to tell you about them!

We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Miss Jolene and Miss Devi

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