Dear Sprout Two Families,                                                 

Last month, our study was titled “Shoes and Socks.” We explored all kinds of different shoes. Some included boots, slip-ons, sneakers, and climbing shoes. There was also a sock hunt in our room! Ms. Kelcy or Ms. Tracy hid socks all around. The excitement was through the roof when pantyhose was discovered! Such a fun activity! Then, we worked on finding the matching socks. We did boot stamping, dot marker socks, and coloring shoes during art time. We enjoyed two Pete the Cat books during circle time. “Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes” and “Rockin’ in My School Shoes.” Another favorite book was, “Shoe-La-la.” 

  • Avery liked wearing socks on her hands and thought it would be fun to build her skills with them!                                                                       
  •   Bodi enjoyed the Pete the Cat books. He loved singing the songs and guessing what color Pete’s shoes would be next!                                                 
  • Finn thought switching shoes with his brother would be fun, though Otto preferred to keep his own on!                                         
  • Henry had a great time trying on all the different types of shoes we had available. His favorite were the surf booties!                                                            
  • Otto has been a pro at removing his shoes and socks and has been working on putting them back on himself.                                                               
  • Sophie did a great job coloring paper socks and was so proud when we hung them all up!                                 
  • Taylor was our sock launderer. She ensured she washed the socks and put them away when we finished.                                                                    
  • Wilder was the best sock hunter! When we played Hide the Socks, he was the first to find them!

For December, we will learn about “Bags and Bows.” Although bags are ordinary items that most people use daily, children often find them intriguing and enjoy imitating how people use them. Learning with bags allows them to interact with things they are curious about, examine them closely, and emulate how they have seen people use them. During our investigation, we will display different bags together. We will talk about how we use the other bags. We will also explore different types of bows. Art projects will include bow stamping, bow collage, plastic bag mess-free finger painting, and a Christmas bag craft.

To Bodi, who is moving up to the Bud Room, we wish a fond farewell. We know he will be a fantastic Bud and enjoy a new challenge. We will miss you, Bodi!

We are happy to welcome Elia and Wilder to our class, and we can’t wait to get to know them and their families! 


Please bring in a snowsuit and accessories to prepare for the colder weather! We have outside time multiple times daily and want everyone to be cozy while they play. 

Have a safe and happy holiday with much love and gratitude for you all, 

Ms. Kelcy and Ms. Tracy

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