Dear Blossom Families,

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way–things I had no words for.”

– Georgia O’Keeffe

June was a colorful and beautiful mess of working hands and creativity. The Blossoms could not be more proud of everything they have produced and learned. Conversations you might have heard this month include comments like, “I’m doing a yoga pose like Salvador Dali’s melty clocks,” or “I wonder if Monet and Vincent met when they lived in Paris,” and “Look how I made value with the side of my pencil.” We were blown away by many of the connections the Blossoms made between artists- Piper helped us track how many of the artists lived in France at some point in their career, Archer wondered if a mountain in Salvador Dali’s art was inspired by Katsushika Hokusai’s prints of Mt. Fuji, and Lex developed a keen eye for noticing surrealism in many of our classroom books and even our classroom. We deeply enjoyed watching the Blossoms identify with many of the artists’ experiences and develop their own art heroes. Thank you for supporting the Blossoms and our classroom in our art show and auction, it was so much fun welcoming everyone into our world!

Questions to ask your artist:

  • Can you find texture/contrast/value in artwork around our home?
  • What types of artwork did Salvador Dali create? Which were your favorite?
  • Which art project did you enjoy creating most? Which are you most proud of?
  • Whose artwork made you feel happy/curious/strange?
  • Which artist would you want to be friends with?

Our next Blossom study will be centered around music. Throughout July we will learn about the five instrument families played in classical, jazz, and rock music. We will create our own instruments and explore how several real instruments produce their unique sounds. Highlights from past years have been an electric guitar, trumpet, and accordion. If you have a transportable instrument you would like to lend the Blossoms, please let us know. If you or a family member are a musician of any skill level we would love to share your talent in the classroom! It should be a joyful, harmonious, and slightly noisy month in the Blossom room!

Welcome Miriam!

Hi! I am so excited to start here at Growing Tree! I am a recent graduate of California State University, Northridge and hold a degree in Psychology.  I grew up in California and moved here a few weeks ago from Ventura, CA. I have loved getting to know all the Blossom’s and look forward to meeting all of you soon! Some fun facts about me: I love to sing and have a hamster named Blossom 🙂

As always, we are so grateful to you for sharing your creative, kind, curious, clever, capable, caring children with us this year.

We wish you well,

Emily, Keegan, Miriam, Kinderoo & Joey

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